
Alle Veröffentlichungen erfolgten in englischen Medien. Deswegen sind die folgenden Links nicht ins Deutsche übersetzt.


Dissertation: Web-based data visualization in support of agent-based microsimulation models

SimWrapper, an open source web-based platform for interactive visualization of microsimulation outputs and transport data

Billy Charlton, Bhargava Sana
ABMTrans 2023: The 14th International Workshop on Agent-based Mobility, Traffc and Transportation Models, Methodologies and Applications 2023


The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation, MATSim. Chapter 34: Open-source visualizers, and Chapter 38: Analysis


Open-Source Web-Based Visualizer for Dynamic-Response Shared Taxi Simulations

Billy Charlton, Gregor Leich, Ihab Kaddoura, Kai Nagel
9th International Workshop on Agent-based Mobility, Traffic and Transportation Models (ABMTRANS) 2021


A Web-Based Data Visualization Platform for MATSim

Billy Charlton, Janek Laudan
Transportation Research Record 2674.10 2020

Using mobile phone data for epidemiological simulations of lockdowns: government interventions, behavioral changes, and resulting changes of reinfections

Sebastian A. Müller, Michael Ballmer, Billy Charlton, et al
medRxiv 2020

An efficient approach to create agent-based transport simulation scenarios based on ubiquitous Big Data and a new, aspatial activity-scheduling model

Dominik Ziemke, Billy Charlton, Sebastial Hörl, Kai Nagel
Euro Working Group on Transportation 2020


TNCs Today: A Profile of San Francisco Transportation Network Company Activity

Joe Castiglione, Drew Cooper, Jeff Hobson, Billy Charlton, et al
SFCTA Website 2017


Using an activity-based model to explore the potential impacts of automated vehicles

Suzanne Childress, Brice Nichols, Billy Charlton
Transportation Research Record 2493.1 2015


A GPS-based bicycle route choice model for San Francisco, California

Jeffrey Hood, Elizabeth Sall, Billy Charlton
Transportation Letters 3, no. 1 2011

Bicycle route choice data collection using GPS-enabled smartphones

Billy Charlton, Elizabeth Sall, Michael Schwartz, Jeffrey Hood
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting 2011


Microsimulating parcel-level land use and activity-based travel: Development of a prototype application in San Francisco

Paul Waddell, Liming Wang, Billy Charlton, Aksel Olsen
Journal of Transport and Land Use 3.2 2010


Application of travel demand microsimulation model for equity analysis

Joe Castiglione, Rachel Hiatt, Tilly Chang, Billy Charlton
Transportation Research Record 1977(1) 2006

Analysis of New Starts project by using the tour-based model of San Francisco, California

Joel Freedman, Joe Castiglione, Billy Charlton
Transportation Research Record 1981.1 2006

Application of travel demand microsimulation model for equity analysis

Joe Castiglione, Rachel Hiatt, Tilly Chang, Billy Charlton
Transportation Research Record 1977(1) 2006